Signs You’re Brushing too Hard

Signs You’re Brushing too Hard

Signs You’re Brushing too Hard

Here’s something that you probably never thought you would hear from a dentist — it is possible to brush your teeth too much and too hard. Yes, that old saying that there can be too much of a good thing is unfortunately true, even when it comes to dental care. While you may think that vigorously brushing your teeth helps keep them cleaner and prevents cavities, we have actually found the opposite to be true. Here are three signs you’re brushing your teeth too hard.

Frayed Toothbrush

One of the simplest ways to measure how vigorously you’re brushing your teeth is how your toothbrush looks. The first sign that you’re brushing too hard is damage to your toothbrush. When you buy a new toothbrush, it comes with rounded bristles that are gentle to your teeth. However, if you notice your bristles are begging to fan out or fray before their normal lifespan, usually about three months, you’re brushing too hard!

Tooth Sensitivity 

As you know by now, your teeth are protected by enamel. When you over brush your teeth by brushing too often or too hard, you begin to wear down the enamel. As you continue to wear down this protective coat, you may notice your teeth are more sensitive, particularly to hot or cold food items. 

Receding Gums

If you are brushing too hard, you will begin to damage the gum tissue, making it recede and expose more of your teeth. Coupled with this, you may notice your gums are bleeding more often when you brush. Unfortunately, receding gums can lead to very difficult dental issues down the road if not treated properly so it is important to contact your dentist as soon as possible if you notice them receding. 

Do you have any of the symptoms listed above? If you do, it might be time to make a check-up appointment with your dentist! We can teach you brushing techniques as well as point you in the direction of softer toothbrushes to use.