Why Floss?

Why Floss?

Why Floss?

If you’re like most people, you are probably not flossing enough, if at all even. Unfortunately, even if you brush your teeth twice a day, if you’re not flossing every single day you still have some improvements to make to your overall dental hygiene.

Why floss?

To some, it seems redundant to floss on top of or in addition to brushing your teeth twice a day. However, did you know that each of your teeth have 5 surfaces? Of those 5 surfaces, a standard toothbrush only cleans about 3 of them – the top, the inside, and the outside. A toothbrush cannot and does not reach in between your teeth where plaque often hides. The purpose of flossing is to remove that plaque before it becomes tartar and damages your teeth.

Here are some do’s and don’ts of flossing:


  • Use enough floss, about 18” should be suffice
  • Use a commercial floss – type doesn’t matter as much – it can be waxed, unwaxed, flavored, etc.,
  • Floss under the gum line 
  • Use a gentle rubbing motion
  • Floss daily


  • Use anything other than commercial floss – yarn or string could get stuck
  • Reuse floss
  • Worry about flossing before or after you brush – anytime is good

For more flossing tips, visit us here