4 Foods to Whiten Teeth

4 Foods to Whiten Teeth

4 Foods to Whiten Teeth

The old saying ‘You are what you eat,’ still rings true, especially when it comes to your teeth! Did you know that the food you eat can not only impact the overall health of your teeth but also brighten your smile as well? That’s right! Below we’ve rounded up a list of food that can help brighten enamel.


The enzyme bromelain found in pineapple works like a natural stain remover. The enzyme helps break up plaque, which over time can erode tooth enamel and lead to not only stained teeth, but cavities and tooth decay. 


Rich in calcium, protein, and phosphorus, all of which help buffer mouth acids. In fact, phosphorus and protein can even help repair and remineralize your teeth. Try ending each meal with a small serving of cheese and see the impact it can have on your smile over time!


Despite their red color, strawberries can actually help brighten your smile due to the malic acid found within them. Malic acid works like an astringent, removing tooth color discoloration. While some people have even tried brushing their teeth with strawberry, we recommend just adding the fruit to your regular diet. 


As if you needed another reason to eat your veggies, now you can help whiten your teeth at the same time! Eat broccoli raw to experience all of the benefits it has to offer for your teeth. As you chew the veggie, the rough florets work as a toothbrush, cleaning your teeth. Coupled with this, broccoli’s high iron levels which can coat the surface of your teeth and help ward off things like bacteria, stains, and erosion. 

Which of these superfoods will you be adding to your diet?