Am I Too Old to Have My Wisdom Teeth Removed?

Am I Too Old to Have My Wisdom Teeth Removed?

Am I Too Old to Have My Wisdom Teeth Removed?

Approximately 50 million people will have their wisdom teeth removed before the age of 25. However, there are some rare cases where people of that age haven’t even felt their wisdom teeth come in yet! If you fall in that boat, no worries – you’re never too old to have your wisdom teeth removed. While this procedure can be done at any time and any age, it is best to have it completed before complications arise. 

Why Remove Wisdom Teeth

You might be wondering why you should consider removing your wisdom teeth before they cause you any noticeable discomfort. While there are some people who may never need their wisdom teeth removed, according to the American Dental Association, most people will have the teeth removed in their lifetime. Some common reasons for extraction include:

  • Constant bad breath
  • Swollen or bleeding gums
  • Pain or difficulty when opening your mouth
  • Crowding issues 

Are There More Complications as I Get Older?

Just as with any procedure, the older you are, the more risk there is for complications. These complications could include a slower recovery, or nerve damage. As you age, your roots continue to grow downwards towards the nerve, making the procedure more complex. 

You’re never too old for anything, including having your wisdom teeth removed! Our talented staff at Krengel Dental is here to help you make the best and most informed decision.