Tooth Pain When the Weather Shifts – it’s Real

Tooth Pain When the Weather Shifts – it’s Real

Tooth Pain When the Weather Shifts – it’s Real

As the warm weather disappears and cooler days become the norm, you may experience increased tooth sensitivity and pain. In response to cold weather your teeth contract, much like when you bite into ice cream, resulting in discomfort. Know that you are not alone; we have some fixes to find relief!

What Causes Seasonally Sensitive Teeth?

As previously stated cold weather causes your teeth to contract. Over time, the expansion and contraction of teeth lead to cracks exposing the dentin beneath the enamel. Unfortunately, dentin is covered in nerve fibers, so when exposed, this could leave you vulnerable to cold weather pain.

You experience a higher risk for seasonal pain if you do not regularly practice good oral hygiene habits. To minimize sensitivity, learn more about common causes of sensitive teeth:

  • Periodontal Disease 

Diseases of the gums, jaw, and teeth can expose the dentin and cause sensitivity. Gingivitis is one of the earliest stages of periodontal disease.

  • Aggressive Brushing

The firmer you brush, the more trauma tooth enamel and tissue endure. Other problems, such as gum erosion, can result from harsh brushing practices. Utilize gentle brushing pressure twice daily.

  • Clenching and Grinding

If you frequently wake up with jaw pain or headaches, you may grind your teeth while you sleep. Teeth grinding wears down enamel causing increased sensitivity. View one of our previous blog posts on finding relief from clenching and grinding.

  • Tooth Whitening Products

The ingredients which help to make your teeth white also open the pores of the enamel and dentin, which can lead to temperature sensitivity. If you find that your sensitivity to cold worsens after whitening, use a sensitive toothpaste or halt the use of the product. 

Find Relief with These Fixes

  •  Fluoride

Your dentist can apply fluoride, a natural mineral, to your sensitive teeth. The application of fluoride strengthens your enamel preventing sensitivity from exposed dentin.

  • Mouth Guard

Sleeping with a mouthguard can protect your teeth, though it needs to be worn consistently. Your dentist can fit you with a custom guard which will provide the most comfort. If this is not within your budget, a generic guard can be purchased from most drug stores. 

  • Root Canal Treatment

During a root canal, your dentist removes the soft pulp inside of damaged teeth. This procedure is usually recommended for anyone with deep decay or fractured teeth.

Prevent dental pain and increased sensitivity during weather shifts with thorough oral hygiene habits. Please contact our office with any concerns regarding proper habits or oral pain.