Braces VS. Invisalign: Which One is for You?

Braces VS. Invisalign: Which One is for You?

Braces VS. Invisalign: Which One is for You?

These days, patients have options when it comes to teeth straightening! Traditional braces are always available, in addition to a newer technology called Invisalign. Which system is best for your dental needs? Let’s walk through the differences between the two and find out!

What They Are Made Of?

Traditional braces are made out of metal brackets and wires. Patients can now choose tooth-colored brackets that are made out of ceramic, making the braces less visible. 

Invisalign is a teeth-straightening solution made out of clear thermoplastic that goes over the teeth. These aligners are custom-made to fit your unique teeth. 


How Do They Work?

With braces, the metal brackets are attached to your teeth. The wire moves the teeth in the direction that the orthodontist chooses. Braces straighten teeth with a pulling mechanism. Because of this, braces have the power to close large gaps and change the mouth’s overall bite.

Invisalign aligners use a pushing technique by sitting over your teeth. During each stage of moving your teeth, only certain teeth are allowed to move. Invisalign is a great solution to fixing crossbite! You also don’t need to visit a specific orthodontist for Invisalign — many dental offices, like our own, are certified to do Invisalign! 

Depending on what your orthodontist or dentist is aiming to achieve, one of these options may work better for your teeth than the other. 


Fixed vs. Removable

Arguably the biggest difference between braces and Invisalign is removability. Braces are attached to the teeth, and patients are unable to remove them. Braces ensure that your teeth will do exactly what your orthodontist wants!

Invisalign aligners are removable, and patients can choose to take them out whenever they please. The patient is in control of their success, so it is important to prioritize wearing the Invisalign! A great benefit of this option is that you can keep your teeth clean more easily. Patients are less likely to experience cavities and gingivitis with Invisalign. Plus, patients usually prefer the look of Invisalign in comparison to traditional braces.


Now that you know the difference between braces and Invisalign, you may have a better understanding of which option will work best for you. Of course, you will want to consult with our dream team first before making a final decision. Get in touch with us today to discuss if Invisalign is the best option for you.