Celebrating World Health Day

Celebrating World Health Day

Celebrating World Health Day

Did you know?  Yesterday was World Healthy Day! Each year, the World Health Organization dedicates April 7th to raising awareness about global health, and we are honored to join in on the conversation. As dental care specialists, it is important for us to teach the importance of oral health each and every day.


Did you know that oral health can impact your overall wellness? Your mouth is the beginning of your digestive and respiratory tracts, and those systems depend on you to keep them healthy. Taking care of your teeth and gums helps to decrease your risk of inflections and diseases. When not attended to properly, the obvious disease contenders are mouth conditions, such as tooth decay and gum diseases. However, poor oral hygiene can be tied to other health problems such as diabetes and osteoporosis. After all, everything in your body is connected!


Luckily, there are many things we can do to prevent health problems and keep our mouths in tip-top shape. Here are some tips:

  • Brush your teeth twice a day
  • Floss every day
  • Use mouthwash after brushing and flossing
  • Eat a healthy diet that is rich in vitamins and minerals
  • Avoid sugary foods and beverages