Food For Thought: Nutritious Choices That Whiten Your Smile

Food For Thought: Nutritious Choices That Whiten Your Smile

Food For Thought: Nutritious Choices That Whiten Your Smile

We get lots of questions at Krengel Dental about the best ways to make your smile shine bright. There?s truth in what they say?you are what you eat?and certain foods do more favors for your smile than others. While we often talk about the foods to avoid that stain your teeth, here are seven smile-friendly choices that will naturally brighten up your smile.

  1.       Strawberries

While the color may be misleading, do not be fooled! Strawberries are known for containing malic acid, an enzyme that removes tooth discoloration.  Whether adding them to breakfast, eating them for dessert or saving them as a nutritious snack , eating strawberries while help to whiten your teeth in the process.  

  1.       Apples

This crunchy favorite comes with an added benefit to your smile. Not only do apples also contain malic acid, but the added crunch helps to scrub away staining and increase saliva supply. Apples can help to remove bacteria and debris from your mouth, all while putting some shimmer in your smile.

  1.       Broccoli

This high in fiber veggie acts like a scrubbing agent when added to your diet. Eating broccoli not only helps to polish your teeth, but fiber helps to reduce inflammation in your mouth.  The high iron content protects our teeth against acids that can break down enamel. Your pearly whites will thank you for adding this choice to your diet.

  1.       Cheese

There?s a reason why we ?say cheese? when showing off our smiles. The calcium and phosphorus in cheese helps to protect tooth enamel and lactic acid acts as a protective agent against tooth decay.  The minerals found in this fan favorite will make your tummy and smile happy.

  1.       Pineapple

This sweet and delicious treat comes with an extra bonus. Pineapple has a natural supply of bromelain, a compound that not only acts as a cleanser, but is an anti- inflammatory. Bromelain is often times added to toothpastes that remove stains. The next time you enjoy this natural dessert, you can give yourself points for improving your pearly whites.

  1.       Celery

Celery is sometimes considered the natural toothbrush of the food pyramid! With its fibrous structure and high water content, celery stimulates saliva production which is your mouth?s natural cleanser. Eat celery to remove stains and get your third ?brushing? in for the day.

  1.       Salmon

Salmon is a super food that works well for your waist line, heart health and smile. The  high content of Vitamin D in salmon  helps with the observation of  calcium and phosphorus in the body. These nutrients are known to keep your smile white, bright and strong.

So it?s not on an apple a day that can keep dental difficulties away. The next time we see you for a cleaning at Krengel Dental, be sure to let us know which foods you have added to make your smile sparkle.