Let Go of the Grind! Tips to Stop Grinding Your Teeth

Let Go of the Grind! Tips to Stop Grinding Your Teeth

Let Go of the Grind! Tips to Stop Grinding Your Teeth

Grinding down on our smile is something we want to avoid, however if you struggle with grinding your teeth, you are not alone. Research has found that over 30 million Americans report grinding their teeth and excessive tooth grinding, also known as Bruxism.  Teeth grinding tends to happen when we are asleep, however, many people notice clenching their jaw or grinding their teeth when focusing on a task such as driving, reading or completing a stressful project. Because excessive teeth grinding can do a lot of damage, it is important to protect your smile from being worn down.

Here are four tips to tackle teeth grinding:

1. Destress!

Heightened stress leads to more teeth grinding. Whether experiencing anxiety about work, family, financial concerns, etc., an inability to relax and unwind triggers subconscious worry that wears on our physical health by causing tension in our jaw and facial muscles. Whether adding 20 minutes of daily exercise, making time for yoga or spending time with supports, keep your smile strong by making self-care and stress management a priority.

2. Slack on Substances

Findings on teeth grinding show that those who smoking cigarettes, drinking alcohol and increased caffeine intake are more prone to teeth grinding. Cutting back on these substances that can cause trigger your teeth to clench can help lessen the negative effects associated with night-time teeth grinding. Ditch that last cup of coffee and a second drink for better sleep and better dental hygiene

3. Chill With the Chewing Gum

While gum can be helpful in some ways, chewing too much gum to the point of chewing gum for more than 3 hours a day is correlated to increased grinding. Chewing gum this frequently can cause our jaw to be more inclined to stay clenched and occupied. In order to keep your jaw from getting too comfortable clenching, keep down the daily grind with less gum chewing.

4. Get a Guard!

The best way to keep your teeth protected is to get tooth wear that keeps your bite guarded. There are several different kinds of tooth wear, but they are usually worn at bedtime and are oftentimes the most effective treatment choice. Your Krengel dentist will know how to best advise you on picking the right option, so don?t wait to give us a call ( 952-888-1311).

While almost everyone experiences grinding and clenching from time to time, it is important to get in touch with us if you notice waking up with pain, soreness or headaches that don?t occur at other times. As always, our Krengel Dental team is here to serve you and your smile and are ready for your call (952-888-1311). We  look forward to seeing your smile soon.