Protecting Your Children’s Smile During Sports

Protecting Your Children’s Smile During Sports

Protecting Your Children’s Smile During Sports

We are always rooting for patients who play sports and love that sports are such an excellent way to develop motor skills, understand teamwork and care for physical health. At the same time, most of our Krengel Dental parents worry about their child?s oral health and the chance of injury when engaging in a sport. Unfortunately, swinging bats and flying balls along with diving and dodging that goes into playing the game does make our athletes susceptible to tooth injuries. The good news is that learning how to protect your child?s teeth when participating in contact sports goes a long way in keeping their smile in the same place. So here are three tips to help you keep all of your athletes at home smiling:

1. Learn the Rules of the Game. 

Believe it or not, athletes who have refined their skills, follow the rules of the game and practice good sportsmanship are much more likely to avoid injuries. Children who are careful about fouls and penalties are already less likely to be engaged in harmful contact with the ball and other players. Being a good sport and making sure to attend to technique are some ways we have noticed our Krengel Dental patients avoid costly and painful tooth injuries.

2. Get your Gear On.

Read this closely and trust us on this one- a mouth guard and/or helmet can go a  LONG WAY in protecting your child?s teeth. Mouth guards are a must for any athlete playing a contact sport. These soft plastic guards are made to fit the size of your child?s mouth. While cheaper versions are available over the counter, we recommend asking your Krengel Dental dentist about a custom made mouthguard to ensure protection and a perfect fit. Also, a helmet with a face guard gives your child an extra layer of protection. Make sure to choose a helmet most appropriate for the sport and ask your Krengel Dental team any questions about mouth pieces or helmets you are considering. 

3. Stick to a Set Routine. 

When we preach the importance of a routine, we mean a daily dental routine and your six month check ups. Keeping up with brushing at least twice a day and flossing. Just like any other area of the body, the more you care for your teeth, the stronger they are, lowering the chances of injury and vulnerability during sports. Brushing and flossing daily is an excellent way to also be aware of any changes in pain or sensation in the mouth that could be caused by a sport, and your six month visit is when your Krengel Dental dentist can make sure everything looks great while also discussing your protective wear.

So before jumping, diving, running or sliding into sports, go ahead and schedule your biannual visit with our friendly Krengel Dental team by calling us at 952-888-1311. We are always here to root for you and keep your roots in good health!