Signs it’s time to get your wisdom teeth removed

Signs it’s time to get your wisdom teeth removed

Signs it’s time to get your wisdom teeth removed

Your wisdom teeth are the last set of permanent teeth to grow and usually begin surfacing when the rest of your teeth have been settled for some time. By virtue of this, this third set of molars tends to cause overcrowding and subsequently – a great amount of pain.

Approximately 85% of adults have their wisdom teeth removed, typically in their late teens or early 20s. Regular x-rays and consultations with your dentist are a good way to stay informed of whether or not your wisdom teeth need to be removed. Outside of this, we?ve compiled 4 signs it?s time for your wisdom teeth to go!

  1. Jaw pain

Jaw pain is usually the first telltale sign that it?s time for a wisdom tooth extraction. If your wisdom teeth are impacted, the whole jaw can begin to feel painful and stiff. Impacted wisdom teeth are even known to cause nerve pain and headaches as well.

  1. Bad Breath

No, bad breath isn?t always a sign that you need to brush your teeth more. When wisdom teeth break through, they can create little flaps in your gums. This in turn can lead to food and other sources of bacteria to get trapped and grow. So if you?ve noticed your morning breath lasts all day long, it might be time to bring up wisdom tooth extraction.

  1. Crowded teeth

Have you noticed a shift or change in the alignment of your teeth? While the growth of wisdom teeth is pretty predictable, how they will affect your other teeth is not. Often times, wisdom teeth grow in when there is no room left, causing a shift in all your other teeth. Even if you?ve had past orthodontic work, like braces, you are not safe from the changes caused by wisdom teeth.

  1. Swollen gums

In addition to the shift of your teeth, the overcrowding caused by wisdom teeth can also result in swollen, red gums. The overcrowding can make it harder to brush and floss your teeth which then allows bacteria to grow.

If you are between the ages of 18 and 25, now is the perfect time to ask our team of dentists about wisdom tooth extraction. Book an appointment with us today by calling (952) 888-1311.