Smile Back to School: Four Tips for Improving Dental Hygiene This Fall

Smile Back to School: Four Tips for Improving Dental Hygiene This Fall

Smile Back to School: Four Tips for Improving Dental Hygiene This Fall

We?ve made that  back to school checklist and are checking it twice. Once our backpacks are full of the right books and school supplies,  it?s time to get back in the routine swing of things. Since the summer season can leave us scattered, back to school season is usually a great time to get the whole family back on track with healthy dental hygiene. Here are four ways to successfully get your smile?s care back on track.

1. Schedule your six month check up

The start of the school season tends to be a routine time to get your routine dental exam in!  Believe it or not, cavities are the most common health concern for school-aged children, and prevention with early detection is your friend. When you?re considering your health check with your doctor, don?t forget to schedule a visit with your Krengel Dental team. A six month check up with us will prevent any pain or problems going unnoticed and keep your kiddos from missing any school due to dental concerns later on. 

2. Brush and Floss with the Family

At Krengel Dental, we always strive to act as models for our patients of all ages. One of the best ways you can do this at home is to model brushing and flossing for your family members. Show your children and family members that this is part of the bedtime routine by doing it with them. As they say, monkey see, monkey do, so make sure all the monkeys are brushing and flossing too. 

3. Stick to a Routine

We have many patients at Krengel Dental tell us what a difference a dental hygiene routine makes! We recommend making brushing and flossing a distinct part of your back to school morning and bedtime routine. Struggling to make it stick? Your Krengel Dental team has ideas that range from star charts to teeth-treatment rewards! Call us for more tips on how to make that dental time part of every day?s routine (952-888-1311).

4. Limit Sweet Treats

Sweet summertime makes it hard to keep an eye on sugar intake, and between the cookouts, camping and trips, monitoring sugar intake becomes a bit more of a breeze around school time. Sugary and sticky candy increase the level of harmful acids in the mouth, and having excess sugar in the mouth during the day can increase your risk of cavities. Pack your child a healthy sweet treat like fruit or nuts and avoid sticky, hard candies. Our Krengel Dental team suggests saving a sweet treat for after a meal so that the previous foods have provided some protection from the sugar particles.

Ready to make that back to school check up? We are ready to get you scheduled. Give us a call at 952-888-1311 to speak with a friendly team member today.