Root Canal Therapy in St Louis Park & Bloomington, MN

Why do Krengel Dental’s dentists and licensed clinicians strive to make root canal therapy accessible to all? This treatment provides unmatched value to any patient with a tooth to save.

Root canals protect countless people from the agonizing effects of tooth decay and gum damage. People experience indescribable relief once our professionals remove the dead tissue, decaying nerves, and infected pulp from their tooth interiors. And we love helping them restore their natural smiles while they avoid extraction procedures.

How Do Root Canals Work?

Our dentists typically perform root canals to remove infected and inflamed tissue from a tooth’s interior or the gum. Microbial growth and decay can cause weeks of intense pain for patients, often affecting their sleep and productivity. Plus, most insurance providers cover root canal-related therapy as it is an essential procedure.Β 

However, avoiding a root canal for too long could result in jawbone infections and contaminants polluting your bloodstream. So, don’t put off the procedure unnecessarily.

Here is how a root canal treatment works:

  • Our clinicians take an X-ray or CT scan of your bite and jawbone to see the quantity of infected pulp we have to remove.
  • We then place a rubber dam over neighboring teeth to avoid cross-contamination.
  • The dentist will inject a local anesthetic into your gums before drilling into your tooth.
  • Most teeth contain one to four canals, all of which we will inspect, clean, and reshape.
  • We apply a temporary filling to seal your tooth or teeth


Our dentist might also recommend installing additional support structures or artificial crowns on your second visit to strengthen your natural teeth.

Patient at Krengel Dental

The Benefits of Root Canal Treatment Options

Root canals are essential to avoid tooth extraction and implants because the connective tissues and nerves inside your teeth will swell and rot unless removed. Fully developed teeth will survive a root canal without structural or cosmetic damage. But this outcome will be less likely the longer you ignore decay.

Here are a few more benefits patients experience after root canal therapy:

  • They can chew better, distributing their bite force equally across molars and incisors.
  • They enjoy natural smiles again.
  • Their neighboring teeth don’t wear down as quickly due to strain or spreading decay.

Our patients also enjoy returning to normal sensations and taste after the swelling and tenderness subside.

Professional Root Canal Therapy in St. Louis Park

Films portray root canals as an archaic and painful procedure, and many of our patients will ask us about sedation options. However, root canals are still among the most in-demand dental procedures in the United States. Thousands of patients suffer from dental abscesses and gum disease from accumulated dental caries, and find relief from these procedures.

While cavities cause many cases, they also arise from unhealed damage, sports-related injuries, and other accidents, and this treatment could save the day. Plus, Krengel Dental offers root canal treatments that are extremely efficient and nearly painless over just one or two visits.

Contact Us Today

Would you like more information about root canal therapy? Book a consultation with Krengel Dental at (952) 926-2705 or schedule an appointment online today!

Dr. Krengel working on a patient who has a root canal

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