The Do’s and Don’t of Homemade Toothpaste

Humans have been making their own toothpaste for centuries, but in today’s world toothpaste is readily available at most stores across the country. So, why would you consider making your own toothpaste at home? Many individuals look for alternatives because of the synthetic ingredients found in store-bought options. But the question remains, is homemade toothpaste […]

Bye-Bye Bad Breath

We?ve all had that morning coffee that lingers in our mouth for the rest of the day. Most of the time bad breath, also referred to as halitosis, is curable with a quick brush, floss and swish of mouthwash. However, if it is persistent, a deeper problem might be at hand. It could be a […]

The 411 on Fluoride

So what?s all the fuss about fluoride? While many of us get fluoride treatments at Krengel Dental appointments and hear about fluoride in our water, many of our patients ask what he purpose of fluoride is and why it is used in dentistry. Here are some fun facts about fluoride and what it does for […]