Tricks For Treats: A Dental Guide to Halloween

Tricks For Treats: A Dental Guide to Halloween

Tricks For Treats: A Dental Guide to Halloween

Boo!  It?s your Krengel Dental team here to remind you that Halloween treats  can have some spooky side-effects on your smile if you forget to treat your teeth with some extra care. While kids love the candy, candy loves attracting  cavities. Since quality dental care is the key to caring for your family?s smiles this Halloween, here are our top tips on how to treat your teeth this Halloween:

1. Sort Out the Sweets

We highly encourage going through trick-or-treat candy to sort it for safety and sparing your family by getting rid of the more detrimental treats. Want to keep your Krengel Dentist smiling? Throw out the sticky, gummy and hard candies. Sticky treats like caramel chews and gummy bears tend to keep the sugar sticking around  your teeth for longer, causing more dental damage. Hard candies like jawbreakers contain a ton of sugar and can chip or break teeth. Good news if you?re a chocolate lover- chocolate is probably a best bet to keep while ditching the other candies that can be more disastrous to your dental hygiene.

2. Set a treat time

Having a set treat time  is a great way to keep your family from snacking on sugary substances at all hours of the day, keeping your smiles healthier and happier. Teaching children to have a ritual ?treat time? helps enforce moderation and gives your family a time to look forward to. Your Krengel dental team recommends having treat time after a meal since your mouth will already be producing more saliva to help wash away the sugary particles more efficiently and effectively  

3. Brush up

The best way to show your smile TLC after treat time is to brush! No matter when you decide to give your family a treat, following it up with brushing and flossing will help rid your mouth of bacteria and prevent tooth decay from the sugars. Steer your family?s smiles in the right direction by having treat time followed by a brushing party so that you enforce the importance of treating your teeth after treating your tummy to sweets.

While we love dressing up and getting spooky, it is our job to remind you that scaring your teeth with sugar will end up costing your family in the long run. Use the holiday to brush up (literally and figuratively) on your dental hygiene by showing your family how to enjoy the sweet treats while also treating their smiles. Want more tips or tricks to go with your treats- you know who to call, your Krengel Dental cavity busters! (952-888-1311)