What Your Tongue Is Telling You

What Your Tongue Is Telling You

What Your Tongue Is Telling You

We all need our tongue to talk, but when was the last time you noticed your tongue might be trying to communicate with you? There are actually many things our tongue can tell us about our health . Since our tongue can?t speak to us directly, it says a lot in other ways by changing colors or textures.

Here are some signs that your tongue might be trying to tell you something:

  • Strawberry red color:
    • A bright red tongue is a good indicator that you should call your Krengel dentist or primary doctor to identify what is going on. This color can indicate a variety of underlying illnesses, including strep, and it can also be a sign of a certain vitamin deficiency. Many patients notice a strawberry tongue when they are deficient in Vitamin B12, B3 or iron. If you notice pain accompanying the bright red color, make sure to mention to mention this symptom to your healthcare team.
  • Burning feeling
    • If you notice your tongue feeling hot, a bitter or metal-like taste, your tongue might be trying to tell you that you have burning mouth syndrome. This condition can cause discomfort all across your mouth and the burning sensation can be persistent. Once noticing a persistent soreness in any area of your mouth, give us a call to pinpoint the best treatment plan for your symptoms.
  • Smooth/glossy texture
    • We sometimes notice less of the normal small bumps on our tongue and that the top may be glossy or extra smooth. This may be an indicator that certain nutrients are deficient, such as folic acid, iron and Vitamin B. Some different food allergies and infections can also  show up with a smooth or glossy tongue, so it is best to report this symptom to a healthcare provider once you notice the difference.
  • Bumps
    • A healthy tongue has many small bumps, however there are irritating bumps that can be an indicator of a different health condition. The tongue is a common place to have a canker sore- the painful, reddish bump that hurts at the touch and goes away on it?s own . If you notice many small, painful, sensitive or irritable bumps, it may be an indicator of a virus or a more serious oral health condition. Let your Krengel dentist know if painful bumps persist.
  • Wrinkles
    • Believe it or not, our tongue ages too! Yes, we can develop more bumps on our tongue as a sign of aging.  While these cracks and wrinkles are typically harmless, it is even more important that oral hygiene is maintained to keep them clean. If you notice any pain, burning or regular bad breath, it may be a sign of a fungal infection. Make sure to drink water, brush and floss and of course, call us up if you notice any pain or funky smells.

Who knew your tongue had so much to say?! While these are some symptoms to look out for, there are more signs that your Krengel Dental team can tell you about, ensuring you get the treatment you need. If you have noticed any changes to the color, texture or sensation of your tongue, give us a call (952-888-1311)and a friendly team member will take good care of you.