TMJ Pain and Treatment

TMJ Pain and Treatment

TMJ Pain and Treatment

The temporomandibular joint (TMJ) connects your lower jawbone to your skull and provides assistance with chewing, swallowing, and speaking. Pain and discomfort can occur when the muscles around your jaw become inflamed. Continue reading for further information on TMJ disorder and treatment options.

What Causes TMJ Disorder?

  • Autoimmune diseases
  • Arthritis in the TMJ
  • Dental procedures
  • Head or neck trauma

Many causes exist for TMJ disorder, above are the known explanations. Other factors also play a role in development of TMJ discomfort including environmental, hormonal, and genetic factors. 

What are Common TMJ Symptoms?

  • Jaw, face, or neck pain
  • Limited jaw movement
  • Jaw muscle stiffness
  • Difficulty opening mouth wide
  • Painful clicking, popping, or locking when opening and closing your mouth

Treatment Options for TMJ Disorder

If your TMJ disorder presents mild symptoms, self-treatment options may work to alleviate discomfort. These practices include eating soft foods, applying ice or moist heat, and avoiding severe jaw movements. Refrain from chewing gum, singing loudly, and wide yawning. Short term over-the-counter pain medications may provide relief from discomfort in the jaw as well.

When diagnosed, your dentist may recommend a more intensive treatment option as necessary. These options include getting fitted for a bite guard, or undergoing surgery. Surgical treatment for TMJ disorder is still controversial due to its irreversible nature, so if surgery is recommended to you be sure to understand the risks and other available treatment methods. 

Keep in mind that other medical conditions can manifest in symptoms that mimic TMJ disorder. Also, sporadic clicking or discomfort in your chewing muscles is common and not typically a cause for concern. Consult our office if pain becomes chronic.