Sports Dental Injuries: How to Protect Your Teeth During Sports Season

Sports Dental Injuries: How to Protect Your Teeth During Sports Season

Sports Dental Injuries: How to Protect Your Teeth During Sports Season

For sports, fall is such a fun time of year. But contact sports like football and soccer can often lead to sports dental injuries. Here are our best tips for protecting teeth during this fun season!

Dentists holding a football

How to Prevent Sports Dental Injuries

Wear a Mouthguard

The best way to prevent a dental injury during contact sports is to wear a mouthguard that fits you or your child well. Mouthguards work to cushion your teeth which will minimize any blows to your mouth. This will prevent broken teeth or jaw injuries.

Replace Old Mouthguards

Mouthguards become less effective as they age. Make sure to replace your mouthguard after heavy seasons of usage or if you see any signs of damage.

Avoid Chewing on Hard Items

It’s common for athletes to chew on hard items like mouthguards, ice, or water bottle caps. This can lead to weakened teeth and result in chips or cracks. Remind your child (or yourself!) that you should keep chewing to food only.

Dentists in a Huddle

Easy Ways to Stay Healthy During the Fall

Stay Hydrated

Staying hydrated is important for your oral health as it helps wash away food particles and bacteria, which can otherwise lead to cavities. If you or your child is drinking sugary sports drinks, make sure to wash them down with water.

Practice Good Oral Hygiene

Athletes tend to snack and eat more frequently, so it’s important to make sure that you’re regularly brushing and flossing your teeth to wash away food particles.

Visit the Dentist Regularly

Make sure that you’re visiting the dentist for your bi-annual cleanings and exams to ensure that your teeth are in good shape and can withstand contact sports.

Dentists Cheering

About Krengel Dental

At Krengel Dental, we’re not your average dentist. We do everything we can to help your smile shine. If you’re looking for a dentist in the Twin Cities, we would love to help you at one of our metro locations. Visit our contact page to book an appointment with us.