Dealing with a dry mouth periodically is a discomfort we all have to deal with at times. However, regularly experiencing symptoms of a dry mouth may mean that there is a problem with the production of saliva. Along with discomfort, decreased saliva production can have various negative consequences on your oral health. If you notice consistent dryness or stickiness in your mouth or throat, a burning sensation, difficulty chewing or swallowing, dryness on your tongue, cracked lips or frequent mouth sores, it is likely that your body is not producing enough saliva to keep your smile satisfied.
There are various reasons why the glands in our mouth may not be producing enough saliva, causing us to continually have a dry mouth. Heightened stress, certain medications and treatments, autoimmune disorders, smoking and changes in air quality are some of the more common reasons we see patients for dry mouth symptoms. It is important that symptoms of a dry mouth are brought up with your Krengel Dental dentist and team because a lack of saliva production can ultimately lead to an increase in tooth decay, hurting the health of your gums.
So how do we care for a dry mouth? Effective treatment requires that we attend to the underlying cause of a dry mouth. The first step is consulting your doctor and dentist to rule out any medications or conditions that could be causing a dry mouth. There are also medications available to boost the productivity of your glands to more effectively produce saliva.
Since a dry mouth can be damaging to your oral and overall health, we recommend taking preventative measures to treat any instances of dryness. Some of our Krengel Dental team’s suggestions include the following
- Drink water! Sipping water regularly, between and during meals, will help in the fight against dryness.
- Have a (sugarless) stick! Sugarless chewing gum can help stimulate your glands to produce saliva.
- Cut back on Caffeine. A lot of caffeine ultimately adds to dryness and can keep your glands from going strong. Cut back on caffeinated beverages to reduce dryness.
- Say no to Cigs. Avoiding tobacco, which dries out your mouth (alongside other harmful side effects) will help your glands produce sufficient amounts of saliva.
- Use a Humidifier. As we ’tis the season for frequent weather changes, it is an excellent idea to get out your humidifier to lessen the effects of dryness and add more moisture to the air you breathe.
Looking for more ways to prevent or treat a dry mouth? As always, your Krengel Dental team is here to talk you through the process and give you the high quality care you and your mouth deserve. Call one of our friendly team members today (952-888-1311) and we will get you taken care of.