The Connection Between Depression and Dental Hygiene

We oftentimes bring up how our dental health impacts our physical health and today we are going to take it one step further and discuss how our emotional health is also connected to our dental hygiene. In 2017, the National Institute of Mental Health reported that 17.3 million American adults have been affected by depression. […]

When Diet and Dental Health Meet: How Your Diet and Smile Interact

They say ?you are what you eat? and we at Krengel Dental say it’s true. Your dental health is interconnected to all other areas of your health, operating in tandem with the rest of your body. Getting proper nutrients in your diet is just as important in protecting your teeth from decay or gum disease […]

Make the Most of Your Electric Toothbrush

An electric toothbrush is known to be most effective in cleaning your teeth, but at Krengel Dental, we remind all of our patients that no matter what toothbrush, your technique is what makes the difference. When opting for an electric toothbrush, there are some common brushing technique mistakes that can keep your effort from reaping […]

Defining the Decay: The Five Stages of Tooth Decay

As one of the most common causes of pain and the first sign of trouble, tooth decay is something that your Krengel Dentist is always watching for and working with you to eliminate. Decay begins when a tooth enamel starts to break down, causing dents or pockets on the surface of the tooth due to […]

Takin’ Off For Summer: Tips on Keeping Teeth Clean During Travel

April showers have brought May flowers! Before we know it, school will be out and summer will be in full swing and whether you and your family are heading on vacation, to camp or staying by the pool,  it?s important to keep up with dental hygiene while on the summer move. Our patients tend to […]

Make Brushing Fun: 3 Dental Apps You and Your Family Will Love

While your Krengel Dental team is always excited about dental hygiene, we know i can be a little harder to get your children and families on board. Fortunately, technology has helped us find a way to make your dental care routine more engaging and fun! Why not use those tablets and smartphones in a way […]

Three Reasons Why Your Baby’s Dental Hygiene Matters

As a proud family dentist practice, Krengel Dental is committed to caring for your whole family, including babies and children who happen to be some of our favorite patients to treat. Now it may seem easy to dismiss the dentist until your baby?s permanent set of teeth is grown in, however this is NOT the […]

Set Your Smile Straight: Three Reasons Dental Implants Can Improve Oral Health

Let?s face it- having to consider getting dental implants isn?t usually a fun process when you are faced with a missing tooth. A dental implant is an artificial tooth that replaces the missing tooth, and sometimes we have patients wondering whether or not it?s worth getting an implant. While there are some other options for […]

Oh Baby! Tips for Soothing Your Child’s Teething Gums

Your baby?s first set of teeth usually starts to appear around 6-8 months, and while it is a milestone in your child?s development, teething can be tough!  That first set of teeth sets the stage for many following stages of development including eating, speaking clearly and smiling. Unfortunately, the teething process isn?t pain free for […]

Questions About Crowns

Dental Crowns are a cosmetic dentistry procedure to enhance your smile?s aesthetic and address any decay that has weakened, discolored or cracked teeth over time. While this kind of crown may not have been your first choice for royal treatment, it is actually a very common procedure and solution for improving your dental health. At […]