Aging With a Smile: Tips to Prevent Dental Problems as You Age

Aging With a Smile: Tips to Prevent Dental Problems as You Age

Aging With a Smile: Tips to Prevent Dental Problems as You Age

As we age, all areas of health require attention and care in order for us to continue living happily and healthily. There are many notions that it is common to lose your teeth as you get older, and our Krengel Dental team is excited to report that this is NOT true!  Our teeth are meant to last a lifetime . While dental conditions can become more common as we age, maintaining good dental hygiene not only keeps your smile strong, it helps with all facets of your health. 

Like most things, we have to care for the things we want to keep. When it comes to our teeth, long term mismanagement can lead to inflammation, gum disease and tooth decay that overtime can lead to tooth loss. However, stick with your Krengel Dental team to stay up to date on your dental care and maintain excellent dental care and your smile will be set up for life. Since paying attention to your dental hygiene and being aware are the keys to success, here are some tips on how to keep your smile in tact:

  • Talk with your whole team. Our mouth is connected to the rest of our body, therefore, the rest of our health. As we get older, we tend to have more medications and medical conditions which can be linked to dental complications. For example, some antidepressants and blood pressure medications are associated with reducing saliva flow, which can lead to tooth decay. So what can you do? Make sure you?re talking with your whole treatment team (doctors, nurses, dentists, etc.) so that all complications and side-effects are being addressed.
  • Be mindful of wear and tear.  While our teeth are strong, they are not invincible, and the enamel of your teeth does wear down over time.  Talk to your Krengel Dentist about what you can do to strengthen the enamel of your teeth and avoid chewing on hard foods like candy or ice to keep your teeth strong. 
  • Give your gums attention.  As we age, receding gums do become more common since plaque and bacteria are always forming. Be aware of any recession of gums that expose the roots of your teeth, increase sensitivity or cause any pain. Bring up any changes with your Krengel Dental dentist and we will make sure to treat any signs of receding gums to minimize any damage and risk of gum disease.
  • Stick to the script. Keep your teeth in tip top shape by limiting acidic and sugary foods, brushing twice a day and flossing at least once a day, staying hydrated to avoid dry mouth, maintaining a healthy diet and keeping up with your Krengel Dental visits. While staying on top of dental hygiene may seem a bit overwhelming, you?re not alone! Our team is here to help you every step of the way. 

Whether you have questions about a certain medication you?re on, concerns about any symptoms, or just want to check in to speak with a friendly team member or your Krengel Dental dentist- we are on your team and ready to help. Give us a ring at 952-888-1311.