Drink to that! Four of the Best Drinks for your Teeth

Drink to that! Four of the Best Drinks for your Teeth

Drink to that! Four of the Best Drinks for your Teeth

While there are unlimited options to choose from when quenching your thirst, many drinks are actually not the best for maintaining a sparkly, healthy smile. Soda, coffee, wine and many juices often have a lot of sugar or acidity that can be destructive to tooth enamel, breaking down the structure of our smile. Fortunately, there are some drinks that are a lot less likely to stain our teeth or contribute to any decay. Here are four of the best drinks for your dental health.

  • Milk

Packed with protein, vitamin D and calcium, milk is full of important sources of nutrients that are essential for strong bones and healthy teeth. Our body is capable of a certain level of enamel remineralization that is made possible when we are getting the right nutrients in our diet. Stocking up on calcium is one of the best ways to allow for that remineralization process. Whether you’re a fan  of 2% cows milk or alternative plant-based milk products, any milk that is high in calcium and vitamin D is a good choice for a healthy smile. 

  • Clear Teas

Clear tea like green and herbal teas act like water in that they keep your mouth dehydrated and act as a saliva stimulant which helps keep your mouth clean and keeps bacteria from building up. Tea is also loaded with antioxidants and includes a compound called polyphenols, known for fighting bacteria. Make sure you?re not loading up your tea with sugar to keep your teeth in the clear when consuming tea. 

  • Real Fruit Juice

While it can be hard to find a fruit juice that is made of actual fruits and does not contain extra sugar,make sure to choose natural fruit juices that are loaded with antioxidants and vitamins. For your teeth, it is best to sip on a non-acidic fruit like apple or pear juice. No matter what, making sure to brush your teeth after consuming juice is the surest way to keep your teeth clean and cared for.  

  • Water

While we sometimes hear that water is ?boring,? it is an absolutely essential part of your dental and overall health to stay hydrated. Having enough water is what allows us to produce enough saliva to defend our teeth against bacteria and acidic build up. Drinking water also flushes out any remaining food particles, acting like a cleanser in-between brushing and flossing. Get your fluoride fix too with those 64 recommended ounces a day.

Whether you have questions about other beverages and their influence on your dental hygiene or if you want more options for tooth-friendly beverages, your Krengel Dental team is always at the ready to partner with you in your dental care. Give us a call today at 952-888-1311 to talk to a friendly team member today!