Ways Your Dental Health Affects You

Ways Your Dental Health Affects You

Ways Your Dental Health Affects You

Did you know? Poor dental health won’t just cost you your teeth — it can cost you your overall health as well! Here are 4 ways your oral health can impact the rest of your body. 

Cardiovascular health

Several studies have shown that gum inflammation can raise your risk of heart disease and even stroke. This is because gum inflammation is believed to increase the overall inflammation in your body, including your heart. In fact, people suffering from periodontal disease are more likely to suffer from heart disease and twice as likely to have a fatal heart attack than those without periodontal disease. A problem with either your heart or teeth could signal an issue with the other as well.


While diabetics are more prone to gum disease, it’s also true that gum disease can contribute to diabetes as it affects blood glucose levels. Because periodontal disease is an infection, it can produce toxins that affect carbohydrate metabolism in individual cells. With diabetes on the rise, protecting your teeth has never been more important!

Lung health

Once more, because those who suffer from periodontal disease have more bacteria in their mouths, they are more likely to inhale germs into their lungs that can cause infections like pneumonia. In fact, if you suffer from a pre-existing lung condition like COPD, gum disease can make it much worse. 


Several studies have shown that pregnant women with progressive gum disease are more likely to suffer from gestational diabetes, deliver pre-term, and/or have a baby with a low birth-weight. Regular check-ups with your dentist are vital during your pregnancy. While you are limited on what you can get done (x-rays are generally off-limits unless it is an emergency), your dentist can monitor your overall oral health to ensure the best health for you and your baby.