Cigarettes & Your Teeth

Cigarettes & Your Teeth

Cigarettes & Your Teeth

How does smoking impact your dental health? According to the CDC, smoking is, “an  important cause of severe gum disease in the United States”. In fact the CDC states that, “you have twice the risk for gum disease compared with a nonsmoker”. 

Smoking, and tobacco products overall, can severely weaken your immune system. This makes it a lot harder for your body to fight off infections or diseases, like gum diseases. If you already have pre-existing gum damage, from smoking or other causes, smoking can also make it harder for your gums to heal in general. The use of smoking and tobacco products can also lead to many other dental problems such as: bad breath, tooth discoloration, loss of bone within the jaw, and an increased risk of developing oral cancer. 

Overall the best ways to help prevent gum disease and oral hygiene problems are to: 

  • Brush your teeth thoroughly at least twice a day 
  • Floss once a day to help remove plaque and build-up
  • See a dentist regularly, at least once every six months, for check-ups and teeth cleanings.
  • Quit smoking all together. Although this may be hard for some, it can also help improve your overall health. Here are some resources for those looking to quit. 
    • To note: any use of any tobacco product such as spit tobacco, cigarettes, and e-cigarettes can raise your risk for getting gum disease or any of the above listed health problems.