Nightguards and Protection of Teeth: 4 Ways a Mouth Guard Improves Your Oral Health

Nightguards and Protection of Teeth: 4 Ways a Mouth Guard Improves Your Oral Health

Nightguards and Protection of Teeth: 4 Ways a Mouth Guard Improves Your Oral Health

Do you frequently wake up with a sore jaw and headaches? You may be grinding or clenching your teeth while you sleep! This is a common issue that many individuals experience whether it be on a regular basis or during periods of high stress. Regardless, there is a solution that may provide you with relief: a mouth guard. Read on to determine if nightguards can offer protection of your teeth.

Nightguards and Protection of Teeth: Why You Might Need a Mouth Guard

A common reason your dentist may recommend a night guard is to prevent teeth grinding and clenching, also known as bruxism. Bruxism causes damage to your teeth, jaw pain, headaches, and also disrupts sleep for many individuals. Nightguards act as a protective barrier between your teeth, reducing the likelihood of damage and relieving tension in the jaw muscles. 

Additionally, if you have sleep apnea or snore, you may benefit from a custom-fitted night guard, as it can help improve breathing and reduce symptoms.

Dentist improving dental device that will provide protection of teeth for patient

Understanding Bruxism and Its Impact:

Bruxism is the unconscious grinding, clenching, or gnashing of teeth. It can occur due to various factors, including stress, misaligned teeth, and certain medical conditions. Over time, bruxism can lead to enamel erosion, tooth sensitivity, chipped or fractured teeth, and even temporomandibular joint disorders (TMJ). Nightguards act as a physical barrier, preventing direct contact between the upper and lower teeth, and reducing the harmful effects of bruxism.

Woman holding nightguard

Types of Nightguards:

There are different types of nightguards available, including custom-made, over-the-counter, and boil-and-bite options. Custom-made nightguards, provided by your dentist, offer the best fit and protection, as they are designed specifically for your unique bite and oral anatomy. Over-the-counter options are less expensive, but they may not provide the same level of comfort or effectiveness. Boil-and-bite nightguards offer a middle ground, allowing some customization by softening the appliance in hot water and then molding it to your teeth. Here are some night guard options that help with bruxism.

Benefits of Utilizing a Mouth Guard at Night: How Nightguards Offer Protection of Teeth

  1. Protection against tooth wear: Nightguards act as a cushion, preventing direct contact between the upper and lower teeth. This helps to minimize tooth wear and protect the enamel from damage.
  2. Alleviation of jaw pain: By reducing the intensity of clenching and grinding, nightguards can help alleviate jaw pain, headaches, and muscle tension associated with bruxism.
  3. Safeguarding dental restorations: If you have dental restorations such as fillings or crowns, nightguards provide an extra layer of protection, helping to prolong their lifespan and avoid potential damage.
  4. Improved sleep: Nightguards promote better sleep by reducing the noise produced from teeth grinding. This can benefit both the bruxism sufferer and their sleep partner.

Caring for and Maintaining Nightguards:

Proper care and maintenance of nightguards are essential to ensure their effectiveness and longevity. Here are some tips:

  • Clean your nightguard thoroughly using a toothbrush and mild soap or non-abrasive toothpaste after each use.
  • Rinse the nightguard with water before and after wearing it.
  • Keep the nightguard in its protective case when not in use.
  • Regularly check your nightguard for signs of wear and replace it if necessary.
  • Visit your dentist for regular check-ups to assess the condition of your nightguard and ensure its continued effectiveness.


Overall, wearing a night guard can effectively protect your teeth, improve your sleep quality, and reduce discomfort and pain associated with teeth grinding or clenching.
A mouthguard can be a valuable tool in protecting your oral health and promoting better sleep. By working with your dentist to find the right fit and properly using your mouth guard, you can significantly improve your overall quality of life. Contact us anytime for questions about or assistance regarding a nighttime mouthguard. Don’t let bruxism disrupt your sleep or jeopardize your dental health – prioritize protection with nightguards and experience the benefits of a peaceful night’s sleep and a healthier smile.