The Benefits of Fluoride

The Benefits of Fluoride

The Benefits of Fluoride

Fluoride is a mineral found in your bones and teeth. It is also naturally occurring in water, soil, plants, rocks, and air. In dentistry, we often use fluoride to strengthen enamel, the outer layer of your teeth. Fluoride is also great for preventing cavities! When considering dental health, fluoride is used for a number of reasons and often found in:

  • Mouth rinses
  • Toothpaste
  • Supplements

In fact, if you are susceptible to cavities, your dentist might recommend using a prescription mouthwash containing fluoride to help strengthen your teeth. But why is fluoride so popular and found in common elements like our drinking water? 

Benefits of fluoride

There are a few reasons why fluoride is so beneficial to your teeth. These reasons include:

  • It rebuilds weakened tooth enamel
  • Reverses signs of early tooth decay
  • Prevents growth of harmful bacteria 
  • Slows the loss of minerals from tooth enamel

Essentially, fluoride helps to remineralize your tooth enamel, which can both prevent cavities and reverse tooth decay. The loss of minerals is quite common and happens when the bacteria in your mouth breaks down sugar and carbs, producing an acid that eat away at the minerals in your mouth. Once your tooth enamel is weakened, you are more likely to develop cavities. 

Still not convinced of fluoride’s benefits? According to the CDC, the introduction of fluoride helped drop the average number of missing or decaying teeth in 12-year-old children by nearly 68%. This drop followed the introduction to and expansion of fluoridated water in communities. 

Interested in learning more about how fluoride can improve your dental health? Contact us today!