Three Easy Resolutions to Take on For Your Teeth in 2020

Three Easy Resolutions to Take on For Your Teeth in 2020

Three Easy Resolutions to Take on For Your Teeth in 2020

After two weeks of celebrations and holiday cheer, we are ready to kick this new year into gear! Many of our Krengel Dental patients have brought up resolutions for the new year, showing interest in doing something to foster better dental hygiene in the year to come. At 

Krengel Dental, we like to encourage our patients and their families to take on S.M.A.R.T. resolutions that are specific, measurable, attainable, realistic/relevant and timely. We have found that using the  S.M.A.R.T. method helps our patients reach success by identifying a resolution that will really work and sticking to it. While a resolution can only be S.M.A.R.T. if it meets your individual goals and needs, here are three easy and S.M.A.R.T resolutions that our Krengel Dental team has identified for you to try out in 2020.

  1. Brush your teeth twice a day for two minutes for the next two months. 

When creating a S.M.A.R.T goal, it is important to make the M(for measurable) count and do something that you can objectively check off once it is completed. Many of our patients brush twice a day, but tend to fall a little short on the 2 minute recommendation. By setting a timer for 2 minutes, you can make sure that you?re getting the most out of your efforts. Why two months? Well we know it takes 30 days to create a habit, so setting this goal for 2 months can make sure that your habit has really become a habit by the time you check this resolution of your list. 

    2. Use mouthwash once  a day at least 5 days a week for the next two months.

Using mouthwash is an easy way to add a step to your dental hygiene that helps to remove debris, reduce bacteria and freshen your breath. While only using mouthwash is not enough to keep your teeth happy and healthy, we do find that adding it in once a day makes a difference in your overall dental hygiene. Once again, 2 months is a good timeframe to use to help a habit stick.  

    3. Schedule one of your biannual appointments with Krengel Dental by the end of this month.

Here?s an easy, S.M.A.R.T. goal that can give you satisfaction pretty quickly and help you feel confident in your plan to take care of your teeth this year. The best kind of care is preventative care because the earlier you can attend to any dental issues, the easier (and cheaper) they are to attend to. Seeing your Krengel Dental dentist every six months is crucial to not only having a professional teeth-cleaning, but making sure that your smile is being checked out and cared for. Our friendly team will be happy to schedule your first  appointment for this year, and the earlier you do it, the more options you will have for when to come in.

We are excited to continue celebrating the start of 2020 with you and are grateful that our patients continue to choose us as the ones to care for your teeth. Whether you are ready to book an appointment or have questions/concerns and need support, give us a call at 952-888-1311.